The Castle Doctrine Wiki

This a quick guide to help you set up and run your own server for The Castle Doctrine. Experience with web server administration and installing PHP/MySQL scripts is assumed. It doesn't explain how to create a MySQL database, for example (ask your web hosting company for help if you need it).

Download[ | ]

All of the files necessary to run your own server can be found in the UnixSource.tar.gz from the client download page. A version of these instructions can be found in the CastleDoctrine/Server folder in the HowToInstall text file.

Get a ticketServer up and running.[ | ]

This controls access to your server. You give the players tickets to let them play on your server. No ticket, no access.

The PHP for the ticketServer is in:


A. Set up a MySQL database and database user, and edit settings.php to point to that database.

B. Edit various other settings in settings.php as you see fit. In particular, be sure to replace the various "secrets" (hex strings) with your own unguessable values (try running md5 or sha1sums of some random typing, plus some randomly-chosen files).

C. After you change $passwordHashingPepper, pick an admin password and go here to generate a hash of it:


Paste that generated hash into the $accessPasswords array. You can specify multiple hashes there if you want multiple admin passwords.

D. You probably want to turn Yubikey support off (unless you have Yubikeys, which of course you should).

E. You should be ready for web-based database table setup now. Go to:


F. Assuming that all the tables were generated, your ticket server should be ready for you to login. Go to:


G. Log in. Create tickets for your users. A user will need both their email address and ticket ID to log into your game server. You probably DON'T want to send out the ticketServer's automated emails, because those are about how to download the game itself (which you're probably not hosting on your ticketServer).

Get the game server up and running[ | ]

The PHP for the game server is in:


A. Follow exactly the same steps (A through E) that you followed for setting up the ticketServer (but this time, apply those steps to the game server).

F. In settings.php for the game server, make sure that $ticketServerURL points to where you installed your ticket server (can be on separate physical servers if you want).

Also, make sure that $sharedEncryptionSecret is the SAME as the one in ticketServer/settings.php

This URL and shared secret will be used to verify that ticket IDs are correct when players log into the game server.

G. If you are using the unmodified client binary (not a custom compiled one), set the $sharedClientSecret to the default value:

Please do not use this secret string to connect unfairly modded clients to the main server.  Keep in mind that this is an indie, open-source game made entirely by one person.  I am trusting you to do the right thing.  --Jason

This secret is detailed in the source package at UnixSource\HowToConnectToMainServer.txt

Jason says as much in this thread:

H. Assuming that all is well, your game server should be ready for you to login. Go to:


I. Log in. No users should have houses showing up yet, but they will soon.

Install the reflector[ | ]

A. (CastleDoctrine/reflector) and edit server.php to point to your server.

B. Tell your users to edit settings/reflectorURL.ini in their game to point at your reflector. That will bounce them to your server.

Final steps[ | ]

A. Email ticket IDs to your users.

B. When a player logs in for the first time, the ticketServer will be checked to verify their access, and then a house will be created (and show up in your admin view) on the game server.

C. Users that you mark as admins will get extra features enabled in their game (like being able to replay all robberies, and being able to watch other players' self-test replays). But they WON'T be able to log into the web-based admin view (unless you give them a password).

D. (Optional but recommended). Edit server/ to point to your server. Set up a cron job that calls this script on a regular interval. Suggested interval: every minute. Edit settings.php for your game server and set $flushDuringClientCalls to false. This will remove the load for server flushes from client calls, reducing the maximum response time for a client.

Enable Cheat Prevention (Optional but highly recommended)[ | ]

The server-side cheat prevention uses a server-side headless game client to simulate player-submitted robberies and check them for validity. Using this feature requires that you be able to compile and run C programs on your server. Extract the source archive on your server and then:

A. Inside the source folder:

cd CastleDoctrine


cd gameSource


B. If the build ran correctly, CastleDoctrineHeadless should be created.

C. Then run:


D. Copy the resulting headlessFolder wherever you want.

E. Edit settings/simulatorServerPort.ini and settings/simulatorServerPassword.ini

F. (Optional): Make several copies of the headlessGame folder, and set different simulatorServerPorts in each one so that you can run multiple headless clients for redundancy.

G. Launch each headless client as a daemon with a command like:

nohup ./CastleDoctrineHeadless > headlessLog.txt 2>&1 &

H. Edit settings.php to enable $checkRobberiesWithHeadlessClient, and set the port number(s) for the client(s) in $headlessClientPorts.

Why is the game server split into three parts?[ | ]

For scalability, the reflector can redirect different users to different servers according to their email address. This isn't implemented yet, but can easily be implemented if needed (see reflector/protocol.txt).

ticketServer was code that I've already used for two other games, so I wanted to keep that separate (and central: even if users are playing on different servers, they can buy the game through one central server). It made sense to also use it as a point of server access control (as well as serving up downloads of the game).
